Harassment via Facebook Messenger

Has this method really ever been successful?

Kylie Craft


Photo by Chase @jiggliemon Wilson on Unsplash

Ever since I opened my Facebook page to the public (to advance my Real Estate and writing career),I have been harassed nonstop by men and one woman. And somebody calling me Mommy.

I have not responded. I have just blocked them. Some will just slink quietly away. Some will try again a month later and others will repeatedly video call me.

I’m starting to think that maybe my sister wrote my name on a bathroom stall or something. Because it’s clear from my profile but I am married, recently at that. But these Don Juan’s are not so easily deterred.

I’ve posted a public plea and even threatened to out them. But, they seem to have no shame in their game.

I have put together a few of the most recent but I did cut out the identities of these certifiable nut jobs.

Screenshots by Author

This desperate man wrote me a book. I only provided you, the reader, with page one.

