Hard Promises

A Haibun

Indra Raj Pathak
Nov 19, 2020


Promises are linking cords of human relationship. A promise makes a new relationship. A promise revives broken relationship. A promise gives courage to stand unmoved in the oddities of life. One needs a lot of courage and inner strength to fulfill a promise. A promise is to be a well thought, determined statement. A promise is an assurance. It is a verbal guarantee. It is a token of mutual trust with unconditional commitment.

promises made with

ease are easy to break them

think, think, make them hard

A Haibun may record a scene, or a special moment, in a highly descriptive and objective manner or may occupy a wholly fictional or dream-like space. The accompanying Haiku may have a direct or subtle relationship with the prose and encompass or hint at the gist what is recorded in the prose sections.

If you enjoy this, here is a Cinquain Poem for you to relish and comment.



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.