Has the Term “Pantload” Always Referred to Journalism?

Is Phoenicia still Phoenny?


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

Since the 1500s BC, the people in this area of the Mediterranean, have held a high standard for their humor.

Slip-n-falls only caused a faint smile.

People doing blatantly stupid stuff with chainsaws were virtually unheard of.

Almost no one drove their riding mower through their new privacy fence.

No sir, they preferred their stoic humor to be more cerebral.

It was Greek historian Herodotus, who, about 600 bc, first proclaimed the Egyptian influence in then current print media to be less than amusing. A “pantload” was the translation, which, of course, caught on with literary critics at the time, and the rest is history.

