
Fatima Zahra Zuberi
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Einar Storsul on Unsplash

This incident has left many people shook!

Many people believe that the room to the left of the right wing is possessed! Screams and wails are heard in the dead of night! No one dares to go in there. The room was bolted shut by the headmaster and was deemed unsafe! Everyone steered clear of the room. All but one kid…

“ Come on Ali! Stop being thick!” cried Ali’s best friend. Ali smirked and jumped on the cafeteria table. “ Everyone I am going to spend a night in the so called ‘haunted’ room” proclaimed Ali.

At night all the kids gathered to witness the great dare! Ali opened the door and went inside. The kids stared in wonder as Ali opened the lights and signalled a thumbs up from the window!

Ali settled himself on the bed and began to read a book! Suddenly the lights started flickering! A wail broke out in such magnitude that Ali had to cover his ears a dive under the bed covers! He felt something cool on his neck, he looked up to find a bright red liquid glistening on every surface. BLOOD!

Ali panicked and hid in the cupboard!

The next morning all the kids gathered to see Ali come out of the room. NOTHING! Not so much as a whisper was to be heard inside! The kids were alarmed. They called the principal who broke open the door.

What they say inside left the kids screaming and running to their dormitories!

The cupboard was shining with blood! On opening it Ali’s body parts were found ripped and torn! Under the cupboard was a grave upon which Ali’s bloody head was placed!

The school was evacuated and eventually shut down!

The mystery was never solved!

