Have a Great Start-Up Idea but No Money? Start As Elon Musk Did

All you need is a great idea, drive, and an angel investor to make it!

Shivangi Patel


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Elon Musk was not born a millionaire, neither are you.

This means you can be like Musk or be like you and achieve as much as Musk has.

All you need to know is how to distinguish between good ideas and great.

First Thing You Need For Your Start-Up

This is what you need to start up your successful business. One Great Idea.

Elon Musk Started his first company Zip2 with one great idea that he believed will bring him a fortune.

He did not have funds, he only had One Great Idea.

He found a way to provide city guide software to newspapers. During his time that is one great idea.

A great idea means a mass number of people are not even aware that they need your new product and service to simplify their life.

Figure Out Your Great Idea

Distinguish between good ideas and great.

For example, it is a good idea to sell art, but if you’re looking to achieve as much as Elon Musk has then you need a great idea.



Shivangi Patel

Seeker. Lover of Wisdom. Empath. From the Cosmos to the deepest Ocean.