Have Netflix and co taken over cinema?

Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2020



Do you remember going to the cinemas for birthday parties and family events? I do. As a kid whenever it was one of my classmates birthday it would typically be a trip to the cinema followed by a meal out! The level of excitement I felt on those days was incomparable, and the next day at school it would definitely be a talking point during lunch!

Fast forward ten years, Netflix arrived on the scene and so did the likes of Amazon Prime, Hulu and Disney +. Of recent Netflix and Amazon Prime have started producing movies, which raises the question…

Has it marked the beginning of the end for cinemas…


If you're from the United Kingdom and the US then you must know that Cineworld had recently closed all its cinemas on a temporary basis due to films such as James Bond and WonderWoman 1984 having its release dates pushed back to 2021. Although this is terrible news for those who make a living in the industry, is this how things could be from now on?

Here is what I think…

Potentially! I am a huge Marvel and DC fan, so I couldn’t even begin to imagine watching the likes of Endgame and ‘The batman” on streaming platforms…

