Have you ever heard of the “heaven” in Buddhism?

Thomas Lam
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2023

If you’re looking for an express route to enlightenment with guaranteed comfy seats and complimentary spiritual refreshments, hop on board the Pure Land train – it’s one ride you won’t want to miss!

It’s like you were admitted to a top Buddhist university with the best of the best professors. All your classmates are good students; you will never be bullied. And there is no assignment deadline, no limitation on the time you graduate, and you will never be expelled. And believe it or not, the birds there will sing the song of “dharma.” The campus there is very comfortable, and you will be learning “dharma” everywhere. In short, all conditions are favourable for your graduation.

Amitabha Buddha : Image from Pixabay

Amitabha Buddha, also known as the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life, has made a series of vows, one of which is to create a “heaven”, known as the “Western Pure Land”, where, by being reborn there, followers could attain liberation and ultimately manifest their buddha-nature

  • Pure Land Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that focuses on Amitabha Buddha. The core belief of Pure Land Buddhism is the reliance on the importance of faith and devotion to Amitabha Buddha. The goal in Pure Land Buddhism is to attain rebirth in the Pure Land, where they can continue their spiritual journey towards enlightenment.
  • The main practice in Pure Land Buddhism is the chanting and recitation of “Namo Amitabha Buddha“ (meaning “I take refuge in Amitabha Buddha”). The above image shows the chinese word “念” which means “recite”. The upper part of the word is “今” which means “now”, the lower part of the word is “心”, which means “mind”. What is crucial is the concentration (so doing it while watching TV won’t work) at the present moment of your mind when chanting or reciting, whether you make sounds or not is irrelevant . It is a powerful practice that helps purify the mind, accumulate merit, and develop a deep sense of gratitude towards Amitabha Buddha.

Chanting and recitation are seen as accessible practices that can be performed by anyone, regardless of their level of spiritual attainment. It is believed that even a single recitation with sincere devotion can create positive karmic conditions and bring blessings.

Devotees often engage in repetitive chanting or recitation as a form of meditation and mindfulness practice. The rhythmic repetition (may be repeated several hundred or thousand times each day) of the name of Amitabha Buddha helps to calm the mind, focus attention, and cultivate a deep sense of connection. Furthermore, chanting or recitation can serve as a source of comfort and solace in times of difficulty or suffering. By immersing themselves in the practice, devotees find solace and reassurance in the compassionate presence of Amitabha Buddha, who is believed to guide and protect them on their spiritual journey.

Faith and devotion play a crucial role in Pure Land Buddhism, as they are central to the path and practitioners’ spiritual development. Three factors are thought to be very crucial for being reborn in the Pure Land.

The ABC of Reborn in Pure Land

Aspiring: You must be truly willing to go to the Western Pure Land. In. Buddhism, there is more than one pure land for Buddhists to choose from. And if you are a Christian, you will choose to go to Heaven, not Western Pure Land.

Believe: You must believe in the existence of Amitabha Buddha and his vow, his power, and the existence of the Western Pure Land.

Commitment: You must chant or recite single-mindedly without a bit of distraction. It needs a lot of practice. It is very crucial at the moment you are going to die. If you can still do so, the chance of reborn in the Western Pure Land is very high. It is believed that someone chanting or recitation besides a believer who is going to die or just died can also increase his chance of reborn in the Western Pure Land.

When you are in the Western Pure Land, the conditions for committing bad Karma don’t exist, and you won’t be reborn elsewhere again. Therefore, it is just a matter of time for your buddha-nature to be manifested.

A true believer must not only aim at liberating himself but also all sentient beings. In addition, he should have accumulated a lot of merit and good karma. Otherwise, it won’t resonate with the vow of Amitabha Buddha and reborn in the Western Pure Land is impossible.

With the help of ABC, let us meet in the Western Pure Land in our next cycle of life.

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Thomas Lam

I am passionate about sharing the profound wisdom and insights of Buddhism with a global audience. All the comments are welcome