Have You Heard Of Feedingtrends.com? It’s Basically Medium With Ads

A new competitor on the horizon?



Screenshot from feedingtrends.com

I know, I know. Yet another Medium-killer.

We’ve seen Vocal, we’ve heard about NewsBreak, and we’ve tried Simily. They’re not Medium. And I’m pretty sure, they never will be.

Is Feeding Trends just more of the same?

Kind of. But kind of not. Let’s explore!

The platform

Feeding Trends is a writing platform, just like Medium, Vocal, Simily, Tealfeed, and others out there.

By the way, if you’re interested in a comprehensive list of writing resources including writing platforms, tools, and more, I have a free one here.

Unlike Medium and the other platforms, however, Feeding Trends operates with ads. You might be familiar with this concept from HubPages, for instance.

No, ads aren’t my favorite way of monetization for content creators. But this is how the internet works. Almost everything is run by and with ads.

Feeding Trends is based in India. The majority of traffic comes from India, with about 35% coming from the US, and 5% from other countries.




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