Have You Heard of RapChat?

A Creative Way to Express Yourself

Michael X Christopher


myself by author

Have you heard of RapChat?

People post beats and you can rap on top of them and then send your song out into the Universe.

It’s a lot like medium, but for rappers.

It really is a great platform and I bet tomorrow’s rappers will come from this platform.

I like to play with words and so I recorded a track. You can find it below.

But, more important that checking on my track. Check out the platform and see if it’s something you would like to be a part of.

As I said, you can rap over top of someone else’s beat, which I have done in the past. But this time, I recorded my acoustic guitar right onto the platform and then layered vocals over top.

I think I had six vocal layers.

Have I mentioned, it’s a lot of fun?

Whether you are on RapChat for fun or for glory, it’s a great platform.

