Having a Hobby Is No Longer Allowed

It’s all about the dreaded ‘Side Hustle’.

Jen - A Writer of Sorts


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Does anyone else remember the days of learning a new skill — for the fun of it?

The other day I had the following conversation with my younger sister.

“Considering no one is going anywhere anytime soon, I might finally buy a mic and start that podcast.”
“How will that make you money?”
“…I was just going to do it for, erm… fun?”
“Oh. That sounds like a waste of time then.”

Naturally, her sudden flip from enthusiasm to dismissiveness threw me slightly, but ultimately I wasn’t surprised because part of me thought she was right.

Therein lay the problem, not with her mindset, but with the one that has seeped into the culture. If you have a hobby, you must monetise it.

I miss my hobbies. I miss doing things for fun, rather than because I feel I should. — Coco Khan (2019)

Let’s face it though the economy went to hell years ago. We are all just clinging on as best we can, making do with what we have hoping to weather this constant storm.

But it’s hard to watch the younger generation paving the way forward and literally change the conversation of how we make money, and…

