Healing Emotional Wounds; Itself a Journey

Shreya Sehgal
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2023
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

At various points in life, we encounter situations that give the collective effort of circumstances to leave us feeling wounded and emotionally battered. These wounds, unlike the visible injuries, are not marked by blood or scars, yet they can cut deeper and hurt more intensely. Whether it’s the sting of betrayal, the shattering of a dream, or the echoes of a painful past, emotional wounds are a part of the human experience. However, there is a profound truth hidden in the analogy between physical and emotional wounds - just as a physical wound requires cleansing for healing to begin, so do our emotional wounds.

Unpacking Emotional Wounds

To embark on the path of healing, we must first understand what these emotional wounds are. They are the lingering aftermath of life’s challenges, disappointments, and traumas. They may manifest as anxiety, depression, anger, or a persistent sense of emptiness. These invisible injuries can be as crippling as any physical ailment, making it difficult to move forward.

The Temptation of Avoidance

When faced with emotional wounds, our instinct often drives us to avoidance. It’s a natural response; after all, who wants to confront pain head-on? However, much like a festering physical wound, ignoring emotional wounds only leads to further complications. The pain may seem to subside momentarily, but beneath the surface, the infection persists.

The Vital Act of Cleansing

To initiate the process of healing, you must gather the courage to confront your emotional wounds. Think of it as cleaning a wound. Just as you remove dirt and bacteria to prevent infection from spreading in a physical wound, addressing the underlying issues is essential to prevent emotional infection from taking hold.

Acknowledging Your Feelings

The first step in cleaning out emotional wounds is acknowledging your feelings. It’s perfectly acceptable to feel hurt, angry, or sad. These emotions are a natural response to the experiences that have wounded you. Permit yourself to feel without judgment. Remember, healing commences with acceptance.

Seeking Support

In the same way, you would seek medical attention for a physical wound, emotional wounds often necessitate support. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist who can offer guidance and provide a safe space for you to express your emotions. Talking about your pain can be an incredibly cathartic experience.

Cultivating Self-Compassion

Throughout this healing journey, it is crucial to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would extend to a dear friend who is hurting. Self-compassion is an integral part of cleaning out emotional wounds. Bear in mind that healing is a process that takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

Rebuilding and Growing

Once the emotional wounds have been cleansed and tended to, it’s time to rebuild and grow. Just as a scar forms over a physical wound, emotional scars are a testament to your strength and resilience. They serve as a reminder of what you’ve overcome and the valuable lessons you’ve learned along the way.

Photo by Rishikesh Sreehari on Unsplash


In the grand events of life, we all encounter challenges that leave us wounded. It’s essential to remember that the healing process commences when you find the courage to confront your pain. Just like cleaning out a physical wound can be uncomfortable, addressing emotional wounds may stir discomfort, but it is a necessary step for growth and recovery. Embrace your feelings, seek support, and be kind to yourself throughout this transformative process. In doing so, you will uncover the incredible strength that resides within you, and your capacity not only to heal but to thrive and emerge stronger than ever before.



Shreya Sehgal

Imagine a college girl, coffee in hand, navigating self-discovery and growth while sharing relatable anecdotes of youthful exploration.