Healing Your Inner Child: A Guide to Self-Discovery and Wholeness

Vanessa O.
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2023


Child Meditating on a Tree

Have you ever felt like an unexpected guest in the story of your own life, reacting in unexpected, often overwhelming ways? This internal turmoil isn’t just random chaos; it’s your inner child crying for attention. It’s the part of you shaped during your formative years, seeking recognition and healing. This isn’t a tale of external forces gone awry; it’s an intimate journey of your inner child, a vital part of you sculpted in your earliest years of life, now demanding to be acknowledged and healed.

You might relate to the challenge of embracing self-responsibility, especially if, like many, you’ve long believed that finding love and exerting control over it was the key to happiness and self-esteem. The realization that you need to be your own source of joy and self-worth can feel unfair, almost like a betrayal. Why should you have to shoulder the task of self-care after a lifetime of caring for others? This feeling is more than just a personal grievance; it’s a reflection of a deeper struggle, a resistance to acknowledging and nurturing the needs of your inner child.

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Vanessa O.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Writer on how to energetically glow up your life through self-improvement, self love and energy healing practices in a practical way