Heartful Healing: Navigating the Challenges of Addiction

People With Addiction Often Discover Their Heart

Sam David Parker🌸


A thin, dark lady in a white shirt and yellow sweater stands under flourishing green leaves with dark lush pink blossoms.
Photo by Alvin Balemesa on Unsplash

If you think with your brain, a heart pumps blood.

If you feel with your heart, the heart is the core of human existence. It emotes and expresses. The heart is always making the head its fool. With a heart, you perceive, understand, and decide.

In poems, the heart is more important than the brain. Human intuition feels things the eyes cannot see and knows what the mind cannot understand. The heart produces reasons that philosophy cannot understand.

The heart in each of us finds out and feels, touched by people and by moments we perceive with our feelings — a baby’s first step, a child of yours getting a diploma, a mother soothing a tearful child. They’re cherished because they touch us deeply.

If your heart feels, you heal from addiction. When you follow your heart, you don’t do things because of what you think people might say. Instead, you do something for the joy of the feeling.

You follow your heart, listen to the inner voice, and stop caring about what others think. Just continue to walk the path of recovery.

The heart also encompasses our strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs. In recovery, it allows us to…



Sam David Parker🌸

I write about addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul. Human rights are God given rights.