Hearty Laughter

Day #20: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan


Sid & Purvee | 2nd Wedding Anniversary Day | Author’s Own Image

This is ideally one of the most recurring ‘happy days’ for me — laughing my heart out with my husband. If someone who does not know us sees us laughing, they’d be amused thinking that we must be laughing on something inconsequential, and they’d certainly be right.

Sid and I met almost eight years ago. We were sitting in a room where we were getting trained on some basic norms of the place and Sid cracked a joke. Of course, I didn’t know who he was. And no surprises here, I was the only one who laughed. I looked around to see this tall lanky guy and he looked at me (he says, at that time he wondered who was stupid enough to laugh at his joke). Never knew that this first exchange would be a forever one.

Since then, we have just laughed together so much. He cracks almost the most stupid jokes on this planet earth and pulls my leg all the time. I burst out laughing on almost all his live gigs in no time.

I laugh even when I am angry, tired, sleepy, or hungry. Once I laughed so hard while chewing food that the food came out of my nose and my ears thudded with the feeling of spice. The other time I laughed while I was learning to swim, almost drowning, that he had to come and save me. Another time was when I lost an opportunity, another when I crying since I lost an important legal document. The fondest…



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince