Heaven’s Receptionist: How Taryn Delanie Smith is Turning TikTok into a Healing Oasis

Spreading Comfort, Hope, and Humor to Strangers Coping with Loss, One Video at a Time

Lomat Al Noor
3 min readJul 26, 2023



Greetings everyone! Before I start writing, I have a simple question for you. Did you do something nice for yourself today? If not, then do it NOW. Doing this could take only a few moments but it is a powerful tool in your healing journey. Again, don’t underestimate the power of self-care!

In the vast world of TikTok, where trends, dances, and entertainment often take the spotlight, a ray of heavenly compassion has emerged. Meet the radiant 26-year-old Taryn Delanie Smith, the “heaven’s receptionist,” who is on a divine mission to transform the social media platform into a haven of healing, one heartfelt video at a time.

In a digital realm where connections can sometimes feel distant, Taryn’s ethereal presence stands out. With a heart that overflows with kindness, she offers a virtual shoulder to lean on for those coping with the painful loss of their loved ones. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh and unforgiving, her gentle voice and caring demeanor shine like a beacon of hope.

The moniker “heaven’s receptionist” is not just a name; it’s a calling. Taryn embraces this title as she fulfills her divine purpose: to be a comforting presence for those going through difficult times. With grace and empathy, she reaches out to total strangers, offering them a tender embrace and a listening ear through the screen.

In her heartfelt videos, Taryn delicately weaves humor, hope, and compassion, creating an uplifting symphony for the hearts in need. Her laughter is infectious, her smiles are contagious, and her words feel like a warm, loving hug from a dear friend. For those who are hurting, Taryn’s soothing words are a balm that gently eases their pain.

Every scroll on TikTok is a chance to stumble upon a video that could change a life. For many, Taryn’s posts have been just that — a healing revelation amidst the noise and chaos. Her message is simple, yet profound: you are not alone in your grief.

With each upload, Taryn unveils a little piece of her heart, inviting viewers to be part of a community bonded by shared experiences of loss and healing. The comments section beneath her videos transforms into a sanctuary of support, where strangers become friends, lifting each other with words of encouragement and understanding.

Behind the glowing screen, Taryn is a guardian angel in human form, exuding a sense of calm that’s reminiscent of a gentle breeze on a summer’s day. Through her unwavering presence, she touches lives, leaving a trail of comfort and hope in her wake.

As “heaven’s receptionist,” Taryn reminds us that even in the vastness of the digital world, a single act of kindness can ripple through countless hearts. In her sweet and feminine way, she gently nudges us all to embrace empathy and compassion, for it is through these small acts that we heal one another and find solace in shared humanity.

So, the next time you find yourself scrolling through TikTok, take a moment to bask in the tender oasis created by Taryn Delanie Smith. Let her radiant spirit guide you to a place of healing and remind you that, no matter the distance, a caring heart can bridge the gap and bring us all a little closer together in love.

And if you have already watched her videos then do let me know which one is your favorite.

See you soon!

❤ ❤ ❤



Lomat Al Noor

My goal is to captivate readers and provide them with valuable insights and knowledge.