Hello Friend

Michelle Renee Kidwell
Published in
Apr 10, 2024


A Poem of friendship and Encouragement

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

Hello friend

We may not

Talk everyday

And that’s okay

Life isn’t always

Meant to be

That way.

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Hello friend

Know that

I am here

No matter the time

Of night or day.

But sometimes if

You listen to the

Silence you may

Here the echo

Of a prayer.

Photo by Joshua Sazon on Unsplash

Hello friend

I see your pain

Even though you

May try to hide it

Because the eyes

Cannot lie

And I want you

To know you

Can lean



Michelle Renee Kidwell

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge in the light: Helen Keller http://www.facebook.com/fansofMichellerkidwell