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Hello Readers. Dayton Parks Story

A little about the path I’ve traveled

Dayton Parks
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2020


A man sitting on a peir by the ocean
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

When I was 10 years old, I taught myself to type. My dad was a part-time writer of crime stories, and he had a manual typewriter that he let me use while he was at work. To help me, he bought me a typewriting book. I wanted to type just like my dad, so I practiced until I could type.

I remember one day he came home from work. There was a package from the post office waiting for him. He ripped open the package and inside was a copy of an Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. They had published one of his stories.

The next day I wrote my first short story.

My family moved every 3 or 4 years, so I attended 3 elementary schools, 1 junior high, and 2 high schools.

My high school career was uneventful. I kept writing, mostly emulating Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but I never tried to get anything published.

I wanted to go to college, but my family couldn’t afford it. So I went into the Air Force right after college. The Vietnam War was nearly over, so they sent me to Greece for 18 months as a radio operator, then to Sacramento to work in the headquarters of a bomb wing.



Dayton Parks

Published in The Ascent, The Writing Cooperative, Illumination-curated, Writers’ Blokke.