Hello, There! Greetings From South Africa.

A Brief History (Her-story)

Lynette Clements


Walking towards a New Dawn. Photo: The Writer.

My Youth.

Looking back on my life, my childhood stands out as the foundation for what I am now; my memories, enhanced by a kaleidoscope of images, have given me plenty to write about, and what an enjoyable journey it has been, to go back in time. The stories are published on Medium and the plan is to self-publish a book this year.

It was my brother, JimX who introduced me to writing by suggesting I record my memories, for his benefit as well as for family and friends. It was he who introduced me to Medium, and I have him to thank that I am here today, writing a self-introduction for Illumination.

I have always loved to read: Autobiography, biography, history, historical novels, travel, and classics such as “Treasure Island” and “Jane Eyre”. I can quite happily read all day and willingly lose myself in the world of the characters I am meeting on the pages; when the last page is reached, a sense of loss comes over me: it’s like saying goodbye to people whom I have come to know; a character I would have loved to meet. That’s how it goes, even in life all good things come to an end!

From the Wilderness to Towns.



Lynette Clements

“ I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore I write”. (Rene Descartes. Jonathan Coe). B.A. Nursing Science. Email: lynetteclements@gmail.com.