“Hello World” of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Martial Arts, Programming, and Life.
Well, if you’re here then you either enjoy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Programming, or maybe both — either way, welcome!
And just to be clear, no I’m not a black belt, I’m a blue belt who has no idea what is going on in the mats but I try! I do, however, have over 10 years of experience programming!
It’s been quite a few years since I have written my first program in the C programming language, but boy was it exciting when I was able to get it working. To break it down, I wrote a simple “Hello World” program which is often first implemented in any given programming language to illustrate the language’s basic syntax. The end result is “Hello World” printed to the screen.
Seems fairly straight forward right?
Well, let’s break it down a bit… After all, we’re talking about the absolute basics here in programming. This is the white belt of programming.
STEP 1: First ensure you have a C Compiler (if not already installed). In short, this compiler is a program that takes in the code you’ve written in the C programming language and transforms it so that a computer’s process can understand and execute.