Helpful Tips for Overcoming Your Social Awkwardness

2.1% of U.S. adults experience social anxiety disorder

Felix Otoo


Photo by Mental Health America (MHA)

Some folks have great and enviable social skills. Put them in any room, and they will gel perfectly fine with everyone in the room. These ones come across as confident, always carrying an infectious smile and a bubbly personality that can melt the heart of even the world’s coldest person.

But then there are the socially inept, the sect of society who dread social engagements and public displays. Whatever has to do with human interactions and being the center of attention even briefly is tremendously nerve-wracking for them.

Usually, for such people, their anxieties are often rooted in the environment of their upbringing and some developmental challenges they faced growing up. These challenges often are what’s conditioned them to respond consciously and anxiously to many social interaction.

Socially awkward people are almost always stuck in their heads. They struggle to stay out of their own heads to freely appreciate and enjoy the present moment.

For many with such challenging social skills, which I’m one myself(although becoming better each day through self introspection and learning from others) here are few things you can work on to fit in a little better socially.

