Here are My ViewPoints about Monetizing Writing

Writing will always make you win in many intangible ways you will not realize

Writer's Dream
4 min readAug 11, 2024


A couple of years ago, monetizing through writing was alien to me. Today, I have a different perspective on writing.

Here are my few takes on this subject.

#1. Love for the art of writing

When you see a mesmerizing garden with beautiful flowers, your heart automatically grows love for it. You want to stay in the garden for hours and enjoy the experience.

Art is a similar thing. You forget how time passes when you love writing or any other craft. You do the activity out of sheer love for it. The transactional thought of give and take does not hit your mind. A transcendental bliss fills your heart and mind.

When you love to write, it is a gift of life. Even if you do not make any money through it, you gain in many other ways.

  • You defeat anxiety and overthinking
  • Boredom cannot touch you
  • Loneliness becomes a paradise
  • You harness the curiosity of the mind
  • Creativity becomes your best friend and a lifelong companion

When you love any craft or hobby, it does not matter how well you write or engage readers. Pursuing a hobby is blissful when it does not give you anxiety and competitive.

You enter the flow state.

Photo by Paul Povoroznuk on Unsplash

#2. Improving the craft of writing

You want to express your feelings in the best possible ways when you talk to your loved ones.

If the person is in front of you, your physical gestures, facial expressions, and voice synchronize to express what you want to say.

When writing, you have only the words to express your feelings. Writers become successful when they bring emotions and life in dry words to connect to the readers and make the story their life story.

Why does the world of fantasy of your favorite authors attract you? It is the art and efficiency of the authors to make a lifelong place in the hearts of thousands of strangers through their written words.
You learn a few writing techniques and read a lot to achieve this.

Storytelling helps to hook the reader throughout your content. Here is a quick crash course on storytelling techniques.

So, if you want to connect to the readers and improve your writing skills, there is no alternative to learning.

#3. Monetizing as a side hustle

You have acquired the art of writing well and have thousands of followers. You enjoy writing as well.

Curiosity leads you to experiment with monetizing and exploring the creator economy.

Thinking about monetizing will lead you to learn a few things like -

  • lead magnets ( ebooks, checklists, templates, etc)
  • email list
  • landing page
  • newsletter

You gradually transition from doing the craft as a hobby to learning its technical things.

It is always better to utilize the internet for better things like learning or building something instead of just consuming irrelevant content that makes you sad or depressed.

When you get tiny success in earning money through writing, it indicates that monetization through writing is possible.

Now, it depends on you whether you want to pursue it as a side hustle or take it mainstream.

When writing is a side hustle, you can do it whenever you feel like writing. You don’t have to be disciplined to write daily.

It is like you are the captain of your ship. You decide when to start a voyage and end a journey.

#4. Monetizing as a main income stream

Writing daily and experimenting with plans are vital to monetize writing as a mainstream income.

After two years of writing, I have made $2 through free ebooks with 500+ Medium followers, adding 60 email subscribers, publishing 500+ content pieces(including short-form, long-term, and poetry), and writing 769 newsletters.

So, I don’t know what it means to monetize writing as full-stream income. However, I want to explore this and see if my writing generates full-fledged income.

Here is what I experienced during the journey.

  • Huge self-doubt
  • Continuous thinking about ways to grow an email list
  • Studying strategies to create a landing page that converts
  • Analyzing different ways to monetize writing that suits my dream life
  • Sometimes, struggling to write when days are unpredictably hectic, and my motivation is down

When I was writing as a hobby, days were easy-breezy as I didn’t have to put my brain to think hard about monetizing techniques that sustain.

But, when I think about monetizing writing for the long term, balancing the fun of writing, writing daily, and strategizing for monetization becomes tough.

However, this challenge is better than fighting the useless overthinking, racing mind, feeling hopeless, and complaining that life is unfair.

After living alone for two years, I have built discipline in my life more than anything. I have realized that discipline is a prerequisite in every aspect of life.

So, in whatever way you take as writing or any other hobby, it is always a profitable thing to do, not just in terms of money but also in other facets of life like -

  • emotional health
  • thought management
  • handling free time
  • navigating through loneliness

Whether you succeed in monetizing writing or not, it will always make you win in many intangible ways you will not realize.

I have realized this after two years of writing.

Do you write as a hobby or as a solopreneur?

How do you feel in either case?

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