Here’s An Effective “Visualization Technique” You Probably Didn’t Know About

Make your visualization process more effective and fun.

Biliz Maharjan


Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash

Imagination is a powerful ability of humans that other animals don’t possess. We can create a scenario in our heads and live inside it. We can think about the past and imagine what our futures could be like.

Using your imagination to create different scenarios in your mind is often known as visualization. It is a common technique used in manifestation and the law of attraction.

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you actualize your dreams. You can manifest anything you want by visualizing a specific outcome in your mind and feeling the emotions.

You can find thousands of online videos and articles on visualization. You can also read books on the topic. My favorite one is Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.

While scrolling Reddit, I read about a visualization technique I had never heard of before. I have practiced it a few times after reading about it. It was indeed a lot of fun doing it. It’s an effective way to dive into your emotions during visualization.

Before I share the process with you, understand that visualization works only when you add emotions. You cannot just imagine…



Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—