Here’s How I Truly Belong to Myself Now… And you can too!

Shiitaal Budhrauj
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2024
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

#1-How I’m Intrinsically Wired

I’d much rather go for a walk in the park. Or soak in the vibe of some large green landscape as opposed to indulging in retail therapy in a glitzy mall.

I find spending time in nature as being very cathartic and rejuvenating.

It fosters in me, a sense of deep healing.

I can feel every system beginning to slow down.

My nerves begin to relax.

The more time I spend in the park on a regular basis, the better my digestion gets.

The deeper is the quality of my sleep.

The calmer and more peaceful I become.

I respond instead of reacting. To life situations.

#2 -The Spillover Effect — the Gift of the Present Moment

Being a 100% in the present moment calms the mental chatter of the brain.

I have been going to the park two blocks away from home.

I keep my phone on airplane mode.

Otherwise what is the bloody point.

So that I don’t get distracted by whats app messages and notifications.

Surely, I could use this.

I also like being away from the laptop screen.

And into an expanse of green.

It has amazing salubrious effects on my sense of well being.

I don’t always want to be in a rushed mode.

Dancing to the tunes of mental deadlines.

I like doing things at my own pace.

It is so much like a meditative experience.

When you tune in to the chirping sounds of birds, and sustain it for a while, you break the constant chatter of the mind.

#3- How This Practice is Building on Some Much Sought After Internal Attributes

I am building on my levels of patience. By resisting the urge to check my phone. Was not so easy in the initial visits.

I am entering the ‘now’ more frequently — a very powerful state.

I am beginning to derive my energy from that place.

It feels so damn potent.

It is better than going to the spa.

It is training my mental muscles to disconnect

from social media at will.

To be in the now.

Learning to enjoy my own company.

Anyone that can enjoy their own company without the pressure to engage with anyone, has truly made peace with themselves.

It does not happen in a single day.

It takes practice.

You begin to enjoy those moments.

You begin to savour the quietude.

You learn to go with the flow.

It feels so liberating.

It feel so wholesome.

#4- What it brings to mind is Madonna’s song, ‘Like a Prayer’

Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

My evening visits to the park have become like a prayer to me.

I just disengage from everything else and go to the park.

My phone on airplane mode.

I have started to feel that I belong to myself.

My time belongs to me.

Most of all, that my headspace belongs to me.

I feel centred.

I belong to me — just like I did when I was a child.

#5- Surely You Must Find 45 Minutes of Daily Joy For You

An activity that nurtures your ‘me’ time.

Where you are not micro — managing the household.

When you are not coordinating with different people.

When you are not multi tasking your brain into a billion fragments.

When you are not trying to be mentally present, where you are not physically.

When you prioritise your joy.

You headspace deserves 45 minutes of you.

Exclusively you!

If you enjoyed this story, do give Shiitaal Budhrauj a follow.

Better still, you might want to check out another story of mine.

It’s captures the joy of how I celebrated my 10th medium article in a

publication of my choice, in a diva-esque manner.

And a new POV:



Shiitaal Budhrauj

Passionate about personal growth. Bounces back from life's curveballs. Draws insights, intuits feelings. A chai girl that likes cappuccino with hazelnut.