Here’s How Much You Have To Save To Retire In 10 Years, According to A Millionaire Hustler.

And here are the perfectly simple ways to make it happen.

Derick David


“I only had $ 2.26 in my bank account, not even enough to buy a side of guacamole”.

In 2010, Grant Sabatier, 24, had just moved with his parents after moving from job to job and then being fired during the recession. With less than $ 5 to his name and only three months to find his place, Sabatier knew he needed to get his finances back on track.

His wake-up call came on the morning of August 24 when he wanted a Chipotle burrito for lunch. Sabatier immediately set himself a goal: to earn 1 million dollars and retire as soon as possible.

He started doing everything he could to make money, from changing domain names to buying and selling Volkswagen RVs. “At one point I had 13 different sources of income,” he says.

Sabatier has increased his income to more than $ 300,000 per year. He also managed to save around 80% of what he brought, which he invested in the market. Just five years, three months and six days later, Sabatier achieved its goal with more than $ 1.2 million saved. It was 2015.



Derick David

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