Here’s How Our Body Reacts to a Virus

Have you wondered how we develop immunity? Here’s an easy and straightforward explanation.

Sohani Sirdeshmukh


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

People infected with coronavirus can have markedly different symptoms. Scientists and doctors continue to be perplexed by how the same virus can cause a wide range of symptoms in different people. Some may exhibit no signs, some may show mild to moderate signs of infection, while some have shown severe manifestations such as inflamed and fluid-filled lungs or blood clots, which can potentially cause death.

As there are no vaccines or effective medicines to date, the current care standards rely on supportive treatments and a couple of repurposed drugs. And, it has become increasingly clear that our immune system largely determines our recovery from Covid-19.

So what exactly happens inside our body when a virus enters it?

The body’s incredible defense

Our immune system is composed of millions of white blood cells called leukocytes. Our bodies are teeming with these cells. A few of them travel from one site to another through the bloodstream. Many occur outside our circulatory system within tissues where they fight infections. As they move around, leukocytes act as security personnel, constantly screening the…



Sohani Sirdeshmukh

Relentless learner | Interested in health, science, education, history, and culture |