Here’s The 2 Ways- How To Make Your Writing More Engaging?

The most important thing is to engage the audience. Here, I will tell you how to make your writing more engaging

Anwar Ali
2 min readSep 1, 2023


Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

Grab the reader's attention and never let go

Writing is not too difficult to write something. Also, it is not too hard to publish your writing in this modern era. Writers are growing more easily online than offline.

Well, the writing and publishing has been done.


The main thing is to grab the reader’s attention.

Mostly, writers fail to capture the reader’s attention. this is the cause of their failure. New writers make this mistake but the experienced writer overcomes this problem.

If you’re a new or an old writer and want to grab the reader’s attention. Then, follow the tips I am going to share with you.

Hope this will work to grab the reader’s attention.

The tips are:

1: Shorter Length of Sentences

If you want to make your writing more engaging then write short sentences. the sentences should based on up to 20 words. Because the reader does not love to read a long sentence-based line. They want to save their time.

So, you can write short sentences to grab the attention of readers for continuous reading.

2: Use Simple Words

This is the main thing a writer should notice in their writing. A reader wants to read simple and clear words that should be understandable. If you use the high vocab words then a reader can’t understand. Then definitely, he will leave.

So, writers if you want to make your writing more engaging then use simple words. Then, a writer can understand easily.

Here I’ve shared 2 attention-grabbing ways to make your writing more engaging. You can follow these tips.

Well, writers should write simple and short sentences to grab the reader's attention.

Make sure to follow these steps.

Thanks for reading.

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Anwar Ali

This is Anwar Ali. Who loves to write and share his thoughts and imaginations || || Buy a Coffee for me to support