Here’s Why Not Having Any Friends Can Be The Best Thing That Ever Happens to You

You can be happy on your own.



Photo by Anna Shvets via Pexels

“Everyone needs a friend.”

That was the mantra of every show I watched as a kid. Whenever I’d watch Pokemon or Yugioh before school, that would be the theme at the end of every damn episode. Heck, if you’ve watched Dora or Blues Clues growing up, you know what I’m talking about.


Why are you taught as a kid to make friends and lean on your friends all of the time? I guess it’s a good way to make sure kids don’t stay in the house eating twinkies all day. But what else does it offer?

There are shy kids like me out there who had no idea how to make friends.

I used to get sad because of that. I never spoke to anyone. All I’d do is sit at the lunch table by myself and get through the rest of the day.

I was too scared to talk to anyone.

This leads me to my main point: being friendless can be the best thing that ever happens to you.

95% of the “friends” you meet will be acquaintances.

When you see people in huge groups or “squads” posing for the gram…they aren’t really friends.




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