Here’s Why You’re Not Consistent; And How to Fix It

It’s a ‘secret’ some of the best athletes have used to leap from them to the top where they stay for almost their entire career.

Andre Koome
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Ari He on Unsplash

Let me guess, you’re reading this because this is your 5th attempt at weight loss, forming a consistent writing habit, or finally quitting alcohol but for some reason you can’t seem to get yourself to do it consistently enough to see results.

I get you.

I was in the exact same position a few months and I think I just figured out why consistency comes naturally for some people but to some of us it seems impossible.

It all comes down to one thing…

You’ve probably heard the saying that how you do one thing is how you do everything. Well, it’s true.

If you disorganized in one area of your life, let’s take something as basic as your room (cliché I know) it’s very likely your calendar is similarly all over the place.

Unless you have a personal assistant. If that’s you, forget I ever mentioned it.

With that philosophy in mind, examine other aspects of your life. I’m pretty sure weight loss is not the only thing you’re struggling to be consistent with.

I’ve been trying to develop a consistent writing routine for almost a year now, and it’s only in the last 8 weeks that I’ve been able to do it.

As important as scheduling, and planning a head are, it’s all useless when your mind is not tuned to what you're doing.

And no, I’m not asking you to train with Navy SEALS for a week in freezing cold with barely any sleep to develop an unbreakable mindset.

What I mean by tuned mind is belief. You’ve probably heard the popular Bible verse, “As a man thinketh so is he,” well, it’s also true.

When you’re not hopeful that your work will eventually be read, your business will finally succeed, or in 18 months' time you’ll fit two of you in the pants you’re currently wearing, the chances that you’ll stick to what you’re doing are quite minimal.

Hope is what keeps you going when you’ve been doing the work for weeks with barely any results.

When you lose it, you’ll stop pursuing your goals.

That’s what turned around my writing routine. From believing no matter what I do my material will be mediocre at best to being hopeful that 6 months from now I’ll in a much better place.

Take the placebo effect for example. It’s the perfect demonstration of how powerful belief is.

Basically, the placebo effect is when the desired outcome of a drug being tested are produced but the outcome cannot be attributed to the drug, rather the patient’s belief.

If you believe you’re more likely to put it more effort and less likely to be discouraged by setbacks.

There’s a reason why the best athletes in the world are the ones at some point before they were demonstrated the belief, they had that they could be.

Kobe Bryant, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Lionel Messi just to name a few.

What’s your biggest struggle with consistency?



Andre Koome

Young writer, theorist and researcher. Making good art writing.