Hertogenbosch: Design Museum- Part I

Radical Art Movement

Priyam Samantray


An exhibition on Radical Art Movement in Austria. Source: Self- Design Museum, Hertogenbosch

On a Friday afternoon, before the weekend, I made a trip to Hertogenbosch. It is a small city possessing exquisite cultural traditions and historical relics. To add spontaneity to life, I randomly stepped into a Design Museum. It hosts a variety of exhibitions around the year.

As I entered the museum, an atmosphere filled with enigma engulfed me. This is because the visuals and theme of the exhibition were very alien to me.

So, I felt like being a student again in my life.

Today, the theme was the radical art movement that took place in Austria during the 1960s. This movement was marked as one of the iconic movements. Because it led to the creation of a new radical architecture.

I looked at the wallpapers and tried to learn more about these movements. Soon, I heard the tapping of people’s shoes and the folding of big paper sheets. And there was also persistent silence in the hall. I noticed people were sometimes walking fast by hopping between different wall pictures. At other times, they were anchored to a single picture, staring at it anxiously.

Mind expander

