Hey Dems, What the Heck Are You Doing?

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2020


They make it so easy for Trump.

Image from pixabay

The Democrats still don’t get that people hate their hypocrisy more that they hate Trump. If the election was to be held today, he would easily win!

The Party only message for 2020 is “Bring Him Down” which is not enough to energise people.

The quickest way to gain notoriety and make money is to attack Trump publicly.

Some celebrities and journalists would have remained irrelevant if not for Trump. I suspect many among them will vote for him in 2020 just to keep the dollars rolling!

“A hypocrite is more dangerous than a dishonest man” Dr T.P. Chia

This quote can define many voters angry with the Dems who are supposed to be decent and honest. The party is losing potential voters with each passing day.

Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker made a snide remark about Trump’s weight. Isn’t she supposed to be against body shaming? How many voters are obese?

Doesn’t she already know that when you attack Trump he will hit you right back ten times harder. He seems to be able to absorb the jabs and become more popular.

His supporters expect him to say shocking things just to change the status quo. Some Hispanic voters did not feel insulted by his rhetoric in…

