Stink eye
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Hey Lady, That Was Dangerous!

What is wrong with the neighbors?

Julie Ranson
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2020


Please tell me if I’m over-reacting to some neighbors’ behavior. I hate to be unkind, but why do people seem so willfully ignorant these days?

Here’s the sitch

Early mornings, I take our two dogs for their first walk. This is usually uneventful as we see few walkers and only a driver or two headed off to the salt mines. I live on the corner of a cul-de-sac and tend to stay in the circle rather than venturing farther afield.

Bad Neighbor #1

Recently, a female jogger dressed in tight purple athletic wear came up the crest of the hill and caught my dogs’ attention. She appeared to be headed straight for us, but the three of us stood and watched briefly. I hoped against hope that she’d hang a right down the side street. But no, she kept running up our street even while the slightly crazy dog I’ve written about before started barking and straining against her leash.

I couldn’t believe she kept on toward us. In that moment, I felt rather possessive of that span of asphalt. This is my street, lady! I know, I know, free country and all.

What possessed this unknown woman to continue toward a barking dog who had assumed a fairly aggressive stance? I and the other dog stood…



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: