I’ve found that 7 out of 10 Medium writers have started their own blog. Do you know why?

Know or regret it later!

Dilwar Choudhury
5 min readOct 5, 2022


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You are not independent with your blogging life!

Before deep dive into the topic, I want to introduce you “The Joy of Independence" by Bengali Poet Rajanikanta Sen.

— -The Joy of Independence-—

Says the Sparrow to the Weaver Bird
“Look where I live – a mansion, no less!
While your nest barely shields you from the wind and the rain.
Yet you prize it as art?”

The Weaver Bird smiles, “There is no doubt,
that my nest sways in the slightest wind,
but I live in it gladly,
for unlike the mansion you share with humans
my house is mine and mine alone.

Hey, my writer friend, I'm Diltoshi here with a burning topic. If you want to be an independent blogger, you should take action.

Why should you start your own blog?

Medium.com is a centralized social blogging platform. I know that this social blogging platform has made a "U" turn in your writing career.

And I appreciate that it’s a great place where we meet with similar-minded people and make new friends. But as a blogger, you should think emotion-free.

What will happen if you get a permanent ban from Medium or other social sites? You are not owning your content, although you have written it.

You can't serve Ads on Medium, and you can't promote your desired product effectively.

Regardless of the above two concerns, you are not learning more. And I think it is the biggest problem. If you don't experiment with new things, you won't grow. To experiment with random things, you should have your room.

Ok! Ok! Ok! Tell me, what will I learn extra if I start my blog?

  • First, you will get independence from your Monark.
  • You will learn new skills like technical aspects of blogging, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and more.
  • You can make your brand. And even you can generate extra income to make a living out of it.

Which are the best independent platform for blogging.

Many blogging platforms are available on the internet. But you should choose the best one. And here, I will tell you about the 3 best platforms for blogging.

3 Best platforms for blogging in 2022

#1. Wordpress.org.

Two different versions of WordPress exist. But you should go with Wordpress.org as you want to become an independent blogger.

.org version is an open-source project where anyone can build their blog and websites at no cost.

You don't need to pay a single dollar for WordPress software. But you have to purchase a reliable hosting service and a domain name.

Hostinger is the best solution for small online entrepreneurs and bloggers. It provides reliable hosting services at minimal amount of monthly fees.

Its basic plan comes with $0.85/month, and the starter plan comes with $1.83/month.

With a basic plan, you can host a single-page WordPress website. On the other hand, the starter plan allows you to host 100 pages with unlimited bandwidth.

Why do I like Hostinger? It gives a free dot com domain with a Hosting subscription.

After that, you can choose a free theme for your new blog and publish it on the internet.

Why should you go with WordPress?

Almost 55% of all websites are running on this platform. It's easy to use and has content optimization tools. You don't have to need a professional degree to work on WordPress.

It has a lot of plugins those are you can use according to your needs. You can use Yoast SEO-like plugin to rank your article on SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

#2. Wix.

Wix is the best blogging platform for portfolio websites. Or if you want to make a simple website or blog.

You don't need to have any technical skills to set up a blog on Wix. You can create a website on Wix by using its drag-and-drop feature.

Its subscription plan starts from $0.98, but I think it is useless. To create a responsive blog, you should buy its unlimited plan. You can subscribe at $2.27/month.

Its unlimited plan comes with a free domain and SSL certificate. If you purchase this plan, you don't need to go anywhere. Everything it will provide you.

Should you go with Wix or WordPress?

If you want to utilize the full potential power of a website, then you should go with WordPress.

But if you are satisfied with the limited opportunities, you can go with Wix.

If I were at your place, I would consider WordPress.

It has unlimited plugins to optimize my site. That I can't expect on any other platforms.

#3. Blogger.com.

Blogger.com is Google's product. Anyone can create a website or blog on it with a single click.

You don't need to pay a single dollar for this platform. If you have a Google Account, you are ready to publish your site on Google.

Even with a free blogpost.com subdomain, you can earn money by serving Adsense Ad on it.

But I recommend you buy a custom domain name before publishing a site on blogger.com.

Why a custom domain?

  • People don’t trust lengthy subdomain.
  • It indicates you are not serious about your work. So Google gives it less preference as compared to a custom domain.
  • Regardless of these issues, you won't get backlinks from reputed websites.

If you want to create a blog on blogger.com, you should purchase a custom domain.

And if you buy through this link, you will get a 50% discount on your domain name.(Namecheap).


Which is the best blogging platform for you?

It depends on your need and budget. If you have a budget and want to create a portfolio website, you can go with Wix.

  • You only have to buy a custom domain and its basic plan to make a portfolio site.
  • But if you want to create a professional blog, I suggest you go with WordPress. It has unlimited plugins for optimizing a website. And very cost-effective.

To start a WordPress site you only have to buy a hosting service. Buy your hosting service and get a free dot com domain and SSL certificate.

  • But if you have no money to pay for hosting services, blogger.com is recommended.

You can publish a professional, responsive blog on blogger.com with a domain name only.

If you purchase a service through my link, I will earn a little commission on it at no additional cost to your purchase.



Dilwar Choudhury

Diltoshi is a freelance SEO-optimized content writer and crypto enthusiast☹︎ Hire me ⚡https://www.fiverr.com/dilwarch