Writing for Medium

Hey Medium, “You up?”

And other things you can say as you woo your way back to relevance in the algorithm’s eyes.

John Peck
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2022


Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash

So you haven’t published on Medium this week. Or last week. Okay, it’s been nearly two months. It’s not pretty, but it happened to both of us. And like any relationship that we’ve walked away from for a long period of time, repairing our connection with the algorithm is going to be a bit tense at first.

Why Did We Leave?

I’m sure I could regale you with tales of how I never had enough time to write and you and I would both know those tales were bullshit.

I could tell you that I was creatively burnt out — which has a hint more truth to it but wasn’t so severe to warrant two months of inactivity.

My point is I took a break. You’ve probably taken one too and you may be feeling guilty about it. But that guilt isn’t going to do a damn thing for you now. In fact, it’s going to be weaponized against you.

Because guess who gives absolutely zero shits about why you left? Your jaded ex-lover, the Medium algorithm.



John Peck

Humor, fiction, and screenwriter. Animation producer. I finally found the secret to writing. It’s buying more notebooks, right?