How Intermittent Fasting Affected My High Cholesterol and Triglyceride Blood Levels

See the impact of Intermittent Fasting and One Meal a Day on cholesterol with data from years of personal experience.

Sumesh P


My battle with Cholesterol and Triglycerides dates back more than a decade. A fight most of the world would have to undertake after a year-long snooze.

The triglycerides especially in my case have been high and difficult to reign in.

Both cholesterol and triglycerides are important indicators for heart health.

There’s also “broken hearts”, but as they say, nothing can mend a broken heart. I have heard chocolate or Icecream might help! (Image by Author)

Even when someone is accused of being heartless, they are still expected to have this organ at varying levels of functionality.

Cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood should be maintained under recommended ranges for a healthy heart.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of lipid — fat for the common man — in your blood. It is required for the normal functioning of the body, they are the key…



Sumesh P

“Curiosity killed the Cat” — I am that cat! I try to not get killed by my constant need for experimentation. Technologist, Azure Architect, Udemy Instructor.