Hit Him

Why did you

Larry Nowicki


Created by Larry Nowicki on Imgflip


If a fight is happening

Who is the winner

If you are going to be in a fight you might as well be the winner.

The one who throws the first punch is usually the winner.

You might be the most mild-mannered person anyone would ever meet but if someone is going to attack you you must become someone you are not. Be the meanest, nastiest, dirty fighter anyone can imagine. Then when you are done come back to who you are.

Awareness will show you when you must change.

  • Learn the signs.
  • Notice everything.
  • Act when you must.

The Tai Chi Classics say,

I don’t move until my opponent moves and when they do, I’m already there!

Practice your awareness skills.

They might not win the fight for you but they will show you the way. Then rely on the skills you practice to do the rest.

Keep It Simple
Keep it effective
Keep it strong
Do what is natural
Do what you practice
Do it first.



Larry Nowicki

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills. https://paypal.me/larrynowicki1?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US