
Poetry Prompt

John Ross
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2021


Photo by Hatham on Unsplash

I received a writing prompt from Christina Meier Ph.D and Melanie J. to write about Hope. It reminded me of a spoken word poem I had written around 10 years ago titled Hope. Probably the first spoken word piece I’d written so hopefully you can hear the rhythm… and feel the hope ✨

I turned on the tube to see what was happening
And that’s when I knew that this was no laughing…
matter because the world was in trouble, like whoa,
I don’t mean to burst your bubble

But things just ain’t right and things got to change
Things need to shuffle and be rearranged
My brothers are hungry, and my sisters are poor
Children who live but don’t have a door –
to their house because they live on the street
A life begun already in defeat

A boy begging for crumbs while his sister gets raped
As an elderly man sits blind at the gate
waiting for help for the last 20 years
But his voice is not heard and neither the tears
of the millions who are dying of diseases like AIDS
When its too tough for us to give away
an ounce of our time, our treasure, or even our prayers
As we walk from the bottom to the top of our stairs
of our 3 story houses that we think we…



John Ross

Writing stories, working in the NBA, & learning each day how to better love my neighbor — www.hellojohnwross.com