Hopeful Living: A Plan To Go Nowhere

Mike Orsini
Published in
6 min readMar 19, 2021


Photo by Sunsetoned from Pexels

Ahhhh, the easy life. Wouldn’t it be great? Isn’t it our subconscious goal? Maybe even our conscious goal? To get to the end of the hard road so that we can coast through life.

Isn’t that why millions of us buy lottery tickets each week? We imagine that with millions in our pockets, life can become one big permanent vacation. We can live on a beach somewhere, sit back, drink, and tan and bask in the glory of the easy life. We might even imagine we have the perfect body, with the perfect partner, perfect children, and perfect weather. Here, in this fantasy, there are no problems, only peace and beauty.

Okay, so you might be thinking, ‘Yeah… So…! I don’t see the problem. Why are you trying to burst my bubble?’

What if I told you this aimless fantasizing is taking you further from what you want?

What’s the problem?

Do we fantasize about getting a break from our everyday life? We think a break would give us the reset we need. So we can come back to reality and settle back into our old routine and bear it all a little bit longer: the routine that is running us into the ground time and time again. Our routine that feels like it could run on autopilot. The routine where we feel like we are on autopilot?



Mike Orsini

Life’s about exploring what you’re capable of, then going further. @StickToYourCore www.sticktoyourcore.com