Hottest Point of the Earth: Lut Desert

Sabir Latif
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

The hottest place in the world, where the temperature is more than 70 to 80 degree Celsius — this place is Iran’s Lut Desert, which is also known as Dasht Lut or Lut Desert. It is the hottest place in the world.

The second hottest place is Death Valley, present in the ÙS state of California, has recorded a temperature of 56°C. A NASA satellite has confirmed that the Lut Desert in Iran is the hottest place in the world.

NASA has also predicted that its temperature is going to be more than 80° Celsius in the next few years. This place is so hot that even the rocks here are burnt black. Spending some time here without water or shade is like inviting death.

There is no sign of population here. And the total area of this desert is about 51 thousand 800 square kilometres. No one can go here without taking the help of a trained tour guide. People come here for adventure.

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

Before the start of the desert comes a settlement where people are living their lives at 50 to 55 degrees Celsius. The humam body can withstand a certain temperature, more than this temperature, the death of a person can occur.

There are also high and low sand dunes and mountains. The wind blows here, but due to the presence of sand, the air can not rise up much, which increases the temperature of the earth very much.

Photo by Tijs van Leur on Unsplash

This place is so hot that if you leave the food outside for a while, it will be boiling and the people who are fond of tea can make tea in minutes by adding milk and leaves in a pot.

Even if you wear high sole shoes, you feel the heat coming from the ground and sometimes even the shoes break and separate. Mobile phones and cameras are also unresponsive here in such heat.

In order to survive here for some time, you must have plenty of cold water or ice and proper arrangements for shade and also it is not possible to go here in normal vehicles.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

You need a special vehicle to go here, whose engine, tires and other things can bear the heat, even though it’s so hot. Some insects are seen here. Adventure enthusiasts come here and spend the night here.



Sabir Latif

I am a creative content writer. I like to write about history, education, technology, climate change and about other things.