How a Full Moon Night Hike in Sinai Changed My Life

It only took nine hours

Wendy S. Bradfield


Saint Catherine, Sinai, Photo by author

It was around 1:00 am as the light bounced off the full moon onto my path from the bottom of the craggy non-mountain.

The Bedouins call it a non-mountain because it’s one of the smallest.

As I approached the earthen mound, it grew increasingly bigger — ahem, mountain-ish, mountain-like, or mountainous — you choose.

I’ve never climbed a mountain disguised as a non-mountain until now.

Real talk: if it’s rocky and goes straight up — I hereby proclaim it a lil’ mountain.

I wanted to face my fear of climbing & descending a mountainy thing for my birthday, and why not do it in the dark for some extra zing?

I once climbed a tree, and they had to call the fire department to get me down. It wasn’t my proudest moment, but hey, nobody’s perfect.

Some people want cake & ice cream for their birthday.

I want a massive psychological challenge in the Sinai desert on a non-mountain night hike where my untimely death is a real possibility.

Yalla beena! Let’s go, let’s do this, c’mon!

Step by Step focus



Wendy S. Bradfield

A cosmos-driven Egypt-based writer of broken dreams with a motivational flair. I write about love, life, and Egypt. Check me out at