How a Hug Changed My Life

Let’s be honest… Hugs are the best

The Love Love Project


love newsletter, best relationship advice, best relationship blog, good dating advice, how to hug, the first kiss
photo-generated using Midjourney

People love to romanticize the first kiss.

“It was so amazing, a spark happened or I knew he was the one right after we kissed.”

Today I’m here to tell you, that’s not how I found my boyfriend.

Kisses are overrated and sparks die once you get comfortable with the person, they’re temporary. Sparks are not the right thing to look for.

Want to know what’s better? Have you ever heard about the first hug?

I know, I know, boringggg. Where’s the sexual tension?

Give me a second to defend “that hug”, explain it and then you can be the judge of which is truly better.

First of all

Hugs can have sexual tension… if you’re doing it right.

On top of that, hugs don’t NEED to have sexual tension.

The beauty of that is it can be shared with all loved ones! You can hug your kids, your parents, your friends, and your siblings, and guess what, they all love it.

Yet, when you hug your partner, it’s different.

You feel close, you feel loved, and you feel connected. You feel safe, secure, and…



The Love Love Project

Our mission is to spread love through poems, stories and ideas.