How a Little Interest Turned Into a Big Aspiration

From Words to Stories: My Path of Becoming a Writer.

The Urban Tales
3 min readOct 17, 2023


Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

As I was beginning my writing journey, there was this one thing that I always wondered about; What is it like to be a writer?

Is it about writing all those fancy choices of words and phrases in your write-ups, the ones that sometimes leave the readers awestruck by the way they are presented, or is it about just putting your thoughts out there in whatever form you want, as long as it conveys your point to your readers?

But is a simple presentation going to attract readers? Will people like your writing if you don’t choose to decorate your article with fancy vocabulary?

Being a novice writer often leads me to doubt whether I can even write something good enough or not. Maybe it’s a common concern that most beginner writers face, or maybe not. I don’t know. Can’t say anything for sure!

I started writing because it kind of felt good to put my words out when so much was going on in my head. And with time, I began to enjoy it as well. So I decided to write more frequently and then thought to take my writing odyssey to the next level and start writing as a professional writer too.

For starters, I did a little bit of digging on the internet to learn more about writing, and then I felt a need for some mentoring to get the right and better idea about this path. So after analyzing and exploring the writing field, I enrolled myself in one of the online workshops on content writing.

To be honest, I didn’t exactly opt for this workshop on the first go, as I had never attended any online workshops before, so I had my fair share of skepticism. But that decision didn’t disappoint me.

The sessions were amazing and highly interactive. All the guidance material and advice provided in that workshop was brilliant and proved to be very helpful in drafting a good article.

Though it was only a week’s long workshop, which at first made me a bit doubtful about the amount of learning I was going to get in that short period of time, but whatever I learned in that time period was quite enough to build a strong foundation.

Be it writing an attractive title or a compelling introduction, a hooking body or a perfect conclusion, everything taught was so well articulated and informative.

I got the answers to my doubts and the assessment of my assignments, because of which I got to know about my strong and weak points. It has only helped me improve and be better than before, which works as motivation for me to keep on writing more and more.

Apart from all the valuable knowledge, I also learned that, while there is nothing wrong with fancy vocabulary, usage of simple language works best in drafting an article as people find it easier to take a grasp of your points and be able to relate to them more.

Well, now that I had discovered the tone and style of language to use in the article, the next question that popped up was, which niche should I go with for my writing?

After giving niche writing some thought, I decided not to go with any particular niche for now. Just want to go with the flow and write about whatever my heart feels like.

Writing on different topics keeps my enthusiasm going and doesn’t let it fade away with time, as there is always so much new to explore every day.

Overall, it has been a great learning experience to date, but there is still so much more to learn about.

This is just the starting point of something big.

The sea of writing is vast, and I enjoy taking a dive into it as much as I can.

So join me and be a part of my literary adventures, one page at a time, and see how this journey unfolds itself.

Do comment down below if you have anything to share. Would love to hear your views.



The Urban Tales

Aspiring writer on the journey of self exploration. Writing about everything that the heart feels & the urban lifestyle needs. Join me on my literary adventure!