How A Note-Taking App Revolutionised My Thought Process

A new app and a novel way of thinking.

Vic Bowling


I started using Roam Research app only two weeks ago after reading an article by Medium own Eva Keiffenheim, followed by a video by Ali Abdaal. I had to try it out for myself—a perfect example of impulse buying (or trialling).

As I am very new to it, I don’t understand half of what it offers. But one option I am excited about is how you can connect certain thoughts and ideas by turning them into a new page. It’s very simple to do either. You highlight what seems of value to you by adding double [[brackets]]. This action creates a new page that shows the link back to the original page and any other pages where the highlighted keyword is mentioned.

So if you want to gather information on, let’s say, the writing habits of famous authors, add this keyword to every note you take containing snippets of relevant content. The app will connect the dots for you. You don’t need to remember if and where you might have used this keyword before. You simply click on that page, and Ta-Dah! All the relevant thoughts, links and ideas are there as one summary page.

In my case, a few days into using Roam Research, I noticed a slight change in my thought process. Certain ideas started attaching themselves to other ideas right in my…



Vic Bowling

Mentor, Mum. Channelling my Inner Magpie by Collecting Tips, Ideas and Stories on Personal Development. Find me on 🎈