How Anabolics and Covid Killed a Famous Fitness Blogger.

Millions of men and women risk repeating his mistake

Sergi Slavich (old page)
6 min readMar 30, 2022


By Schäferle on license

In the pursuit of beauty and medals, many modern people lose the main source of beauty — health. And sometimes they lose the main value of life — life itself!

I had written this story before, but I delayed publishing it all the time. Nevertheless, the coronavirus pandemic continues, as well as the taking of medicines without a doctor’s prescription. That’s why this story is as relevant today as it was yesterday.

First, when I read in the news that the still-young famous Ukrainian fitness blogger Dmitry Stuzhuk died at the age of 35 shortly after he was diagnosed with coronavirus, it raised a lot of questions for me.

How? Why?

A healthy, young, and athletic man in the prime of his life could not cope with the disease that mostly kills the elderly and people with serious chronic illnesses.

I felt something was wrong.

As it turned out, Dmitry’s heart could not cope with complications from a viral infection. And the thing is that the blogger in the pursuit of big strong muscles ignored the advice of doctors, which turned out to be a tragedy for him.

Such dire consequences were caused by taking anabolic steroids without a doctor’s prescription

According to a study published by the American Heart Association journal Circulation (2017), which included 140 male weightlifters, taking steroids for two or more years can have irreversible effects on your heart.

What are anabolic synthetic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic analogs of the male sex hormone testosterone that help build muscle mass. Doctors often prescribe steroids to patients with delayed sexual development.

At the same time, up to 4 million Americans take steroids without a prescription to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance or change their appearance (4 million in the UK). Anabolic steroids have a variety of side effects, some of which are irreversible, including:

  1. behavioral and mental disorders
  2. liver and kidney dysfunction
  3. liver and kidney dysfunction
  4. damage to the cardiovascular system
  5. skin problems
  6. endocrine system disorders
  7. sexual dysfunction and infertility in women and men

8. increased risk of cancer, and more.

Perhaps if Dmitriy was vaccinated (at that time there were no vaccines in Ukraine), the disease would not have become severe.

In addition to damaging his heart and kidneys, which are some of the targets of the coronavirus, taking androgenic anabolic steroids could significantly reduce his immunity.

This study shows that some common anabolic medications have a very bad effect on immune cell function

Chronic steroid use increases the risk of death by 4.6 times compared to people who don’t take them.

The study included 140 experienced male weightlifters aged 34 to 54 years, including 86 men who reported using anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) for ≥2 years and 54 men who did not use steroids.

The results are shocking:

“Long-term AAS use is associated with myocardial dysfunction and accelerated coronary atherosclerosis.”

This study shows that steroid use, even for a short period of time, can cause irreversible damage to the heart.

The authors also note that the more steroids a person takes over a long period of time, the more serious the heart damage will be.

Let’s not forget that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, as it is in most countries!

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), nearly half of all adults in the United States suffer from heart disease.

Although death rates from cardiovascular disease are declining worldwide, more people died from it in the U.S. in 2016 than in previous years.

Dmitry’s wife Sofia, who, by the way, is a popular Instagram blogger in Ukraine, previously admitted that her husband had heart problems, but she didn’t go into the details of this story.

Later, however, she hinted that in order to look good and have a sculpted body, Dmitry took special medications, which ended up hurting his heart a lot!

“To my great regret, all these years my pain was our different values and our different attitudes toward our own health. How much effort it took me to convince him not to chase those huge unnecessary muscles! In the pursuit of something you should always choose the most important thing in life, and our health is not infinite and there is only one life, “- Sofia wrote.

She also said that Stuzhuk got covid in Turkey, and would have recovered from the disease, but old health problems (due to taking steroids) interfered.

So, in her opinion, the heart just couldn’t handle the strain, and the man’s body couldn’t take it.

“I know exactly how everything happened, but I don’t want to explain it yet,” Sofia wrote.

The widow also noted that doctors did everything possible to save her husband, but he left the hospital on his own.

At night he became very sick, the ambulance again took him to the hospital, where he had a cardiac arrest, later clinical death.

“When I got there, they told me his kidneys (which had also been previously affected by steroids) had failed, his heart was working at 20 percent.The next day it stopped beating altogether,” the widow stated.

How many people around the world are using synthetic analogs of male sex hormones? A study published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology found that 3.3 percent of the world’s population has used anabolic steroids at least once, most of them are men (about 6.4 percent of men and 1.6 percent of women)

What are the mental effects of steroid use?

In addition to the damaging effects on the body, synthetic testosterone analogs can have negative effects on mood and behavior.

Sophia complained:

“I gave this relationship a chance. I did everything I could. I worked on myself, I believed that there were problems in me… that things could be fixed and that people change. But I was tired. Tired of the constant betrayals, the name-calling, the showdown and the stress. I can’t take this pain anymore. I wrote this before Dmitri got sick”.

One reason for the man’s increased aggression could have been steroid intake.

Scientists found out that young men who use anabolic steroids are twice as likely to be violent as those who don’t use these muscle-building drugs.

This doesn’t mean that all men who take steroids become very aggressive and confrontational, but if he already has an aggressive personality without steroids, taking steroids can make him even more impulsive and aggressive.

And now I will give some quotes from women who complained about the change in their men’s character after taking steroids to build muscle

“My husband has been taking anabolics for a long time. It became impossible to live with him, I can’t understand — is it just a character or a result of “chemistry”? Aggressiveness, temper, irritability — is it all from the anabolics? Who is living with the same “chemistry,” share.

“Yes. And any wrong word said pisses him off, the reaction is inadequate — any little thing — an outburst of aggression.”

“I dated a guy who was on steroids for several years. Girls — it was a nightmare!!! At first I thought the reason for the aggression was because of the psychological trauma he went through before me, until I found out about the steroids. He takes them all the time, to say psychosis is nothing to say”.

“Whether or not to use anabolic steroids is up to you, but you should know that the systematic use of anabolic steroids by men with healthy testosterone levels while taking Covid 19 not only puts your health at risk, but also increases your risk of death many times over. Please warn your friends and relatives who use them”

Kay takeaways

  1. success at any cost can ruin your health and family
    2. ignoring doctors’ warnings is often fatal
    3. It’s better to look for natural and safe ways to achieve results, even if a little smaller, but which will keep your health, life, and family safe!

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