How Apple Created A 2 Trillion-Dollar Company

The 3 ingenious things that made us fall in love with Apple

Johnathan Reeper


Apple has become one of the U.S’s biggest and most prominent businesses, being the first to hit the 1 trillion dollar mark in 2018. In two years, they have been able to double their value as they crossed the 2 trillion dollar finish line in July 2020.

In a sense, they broke the ceiling of what we believed a company was capable of doing when they hit the 1 trillion dollar mark and had then been followed by other tech giants such as Amazon and Microsoft. Now with the new milestone hit, new ceilings have been collapsed, and standards set.

In terms of business, Apple is doing something tremendously right, which we can all learn from. They’ve created a product which we all know and love dearly, and have revolutionized the way we live our day to day lives.

It is incredible how much of a community and loyal fan base Apple has created. Their followers are devoted, in love with everything Apple, and wouldn’t switch over in a million years.

There is a reason, however, why we tend to always come back for more from Apple, which is that they have some ingenious marketing strategies. Over the years, they have experimented a lot with their company, and have found precisely what the…

