How Being Present can Be the Most Important Thing You Do in 2022

Be present enough to notice your absence.

Norah Kisera
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2022


Photo By Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I am sad.

I feel cheated.

Another year has gone by. Another one just began.

I try too hard to recall the days, and the months have gone, but I can’t.

“Did I lose my memory or what?” I silently ask myself.

It is tragic when I keep counting the number of years I have lived, and the number of breaths I have taken, yet I have missed the one important thing. The thing that makes all the difference.

Being present. Living fully.

The most memorable days are the days we are fully alive
We all have those days.

Those moments you can’t even put into words. It would do them a great injustice.

I have them too.

I love them to bits. I miss them. I ache for them.

The be honest, I had my highs, and my worst lows during those moments, but something was different about them.

I was present.

I was alive.

Those memories have stuck with me for years.

