How Being Abused at Age 5 Affected My Entire Life

A list of the effects

Aliyah Birdman


This post contains highly triggering topics including childhood SA and is for 18+.

Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash

As a child I never felt connected to my mother, and only felt connected to my father very briefly. I didn’t have a “before” to look back on where I could remember anything rosy. I always felt homeless in my heart, as I wrote about here:

So I’m not sure if all these effects were just from the abuse or if they were a result of the combination of these traumas. But I do know that without the abuse these effects would have been much less severe or not have existed at all.

Read the full story here:

In short, my babysitter, Sasha, brought me to her boyfriend to rape me. Here are the effects it had on my life.

