How Billie Eilish Redefined Femininity With One IG Post

The young superstar feels more like a woman and she is not afraid to show it.

Ilias Zografos


Photo by Nathan DeFiesta on Unsplash.


“Showing your body and showing your skin — or not — should not take any respect away from you”, is one of the many phrases that I kept from Billie Eilish’s interview on British Vogue for June’s cover.

I first discovered this weird girl about a year and a half ago when I heard “Lovely” for the very first time. This song was enough to convince me that Billie Eilish is not just a singer or a songwriter. She is the biggest superstar of her generation because she can turn into art every damn thought we have (by we, I mean Generation Z).

Billie Eilish on body positivity

One of the key messages that Billie Eilish is trying to express through her music or even the interviews, is the necessity to love our bodies exactly as they are.

But, many people have criticized her that this message is controversial or fake with the clothes that she’s wearing and her performance in total.

I’ve heard people saying that she’s pretending to love herself, while in reality, she covers her body with extra baggy jeans and loose T-shirts.

