How Can ChatGPT Help You Save Hours of Time Daily

And be more productive than ever.

Agent Badet


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

ChatGPT is very good at explaining. Think about what you want to understand, and asking a series of questions can surely give you references, lists of authors who have dealt with the subject, or clues where to go to better understand a subject, such as:

Summarize long texts

You can throw him an extended essay and ask him to present it in a set number of 1–2 sentence key points. Ideal for summarizing and saving time with weighty texts.

Generate longer texts

Another use in the ChatGPT works very well is for the opposite. We can ask for some phrases, data, or information and ask to generate a longer text from that. However, you will have to review it, and we may again ask you to refine it, to remove redundancies, for example.


Play is one of the best forms of learning humans have, and artificial intelligence has also been used to learn for a long time. Like other AIs, ChatGPT is good at inventing game rules so that you can ask it for different.


Several users have started using ChatGPT to plan trips, which seems to work best with cities with many online…

