How Can Humans Become Gods? The Kardashev Scale

Catalin Goilean
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2023

We are probably not alone in this universe. So, then, how might we compare to other civilizations? The Kardashev Scale says we’re a Type 0.73 in the grand scheme of things! So, then, what might a Type Omega civilization look like?

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●What is the Kardashev Scale?

The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement. This method was proposed by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev back in 1964.

Safe to say that the Kardashev Scale has been around for quite a while! But how does it really work? What does it take into account and where do humans fit on the scale? Well, let’s find out!

Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

●How does the Kardashev Scale work?

The Kardashev Scale takes into account how much power a hypothetical civilization is able to produce and use.

Humans, for example, produce and consume 25 times more power today than we did 200 years ago. So it’s safe to assume we made some progress along the Scale.

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●Where is our place on the Kardashev Scale?

There are 4 main categories of civilizations. However, a civilization doesn’t automatically start as a Type 1. The theory is a little more complex than that. In fact, humans aren’t even a Type 1 yet!

But let’s break it down. A Type 1 civilization is able to use the energy of its home planet.

A Type 2 can use the energy of its star and its entire planetary system. We would be a Type 2 civilization if we could harvest the full extent of the Sun’s power, as well as all the other planets in the Solar System.

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Type 3 is a big step up! This kind of civilization can use the available energy in their entire galaxy! That’s the same as us being able to use the whole Milky Way to our heart’s content!

But that’s not all! A Type 4 civilization can harvest not just the energy of their respective galaxy, but of multiple galaxies. They expand and take over a large number of galaxies, using an amount of energy equal to several times that of a Type 3 civilization.

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

The Kardashev Scale has since been expanded with other Types, such as Type 5 or Type Omega. However, these are so far out of our reach that it becomes pointless to even try to comprehend what they would look like.

Alright, so we still have a long way to go on the Scale, that’s for certain. But where exactly are we, if we aren’t even a Type 1 yet?

Well, due to a complex mathematical algorithm, we’re able to calculate where any civilization is on the Kardashev Scale.

Using this algorithm and taking into account humanity’s power consumption levels, we can easily conclude that we are a Type 0.73.

That’s right! A Type 0.73! We’ve still got a long way to go until we reach even the first Type of civilization. This begs the question: when will we finally reach Type 1?

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●The Future of Humanity:

Scientists seem to think that we will be able to reach a Type 1 status in about 100 to 200 years. That’s if our power consumption levels keep increasing by an average of 3% each year.

Considering the same metrics, we might reach a Type 2 civilization status in just thousands of years!

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Looks like we’re quickly climbing up the Scale! However, as we get more and more technologically advanced, the distance between Types increases dramatically.

Just imagine that in order to see humanity as a Type 3 civilization, you’d probably have to sit around for another million years! Now that would be some impressive patience!

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As to when we might be able to reach a Type 4 status, that remains to be seen… Let’s just hope that humans will still be around by that time!

But what about Type 5 or Omega?

●What Are Type Omega Civilisations?

A Type Omega civilization is impossible for us to understand. But let’s try to imagine an abstract image of it.

A Type Omega civilization no longer rules over just a planet, a galaxy, or even a galaxy cluster.

They rule over the entire universe and, maybe, over multiple universes. I told you we can’t really figure out how something like this would look like.

If a Type Omega civilization exists, then maybe they were the ones responsible for the Big Bang. Maybe they wanted to rule over 1 more universe, so they created ours.

This is all speculation, of course. But we can’t completely rule out that possibility.

So, given how small humans are on a cosmic scale, do we really want to encounter a higher-type civilization? What if they’re too advanced to understand or even care about us?

Ah, I’m sure we’ll figure it out when we get there! Right? Right?!

If you wish to learn more about humanity’s journey to a Type 1 civilization, I’ve got the perfect book for you! You can purchase it either in Kindle or Paperback form!

If you enjoyed this story and want to hear more, feel free to follow me! I’ll be posting more on the topic soon! (this article contains affiliate links)



Catalin Goilean

I'm all about making money online, marketing, gaming and NFTs!