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How Can I Use Quadratic Equations In Real Life?

Jalal Mansoori


You also thought about this question in your math class. Right?

This blog is inspired by 👇 a quotation.

“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education” by Mark Twain

We all have studied quadratic equations. Sorry for my mistake, we did not study but in reality, most of us have just practiced solving quadratic equations in schools, colleges, or even in some basic math courses at the university level. Right?

Let’s recall, if I ask you to solve the following type of equation:


Then, Your brain will start to sing (Quad song) 👇

I call the Quadratic formula (Quad Song) Let’s sing it!

“X equals to minus b plus-minus under root b square minus 4 ac upon 2 a”

Or you may use either of these 2 👇methods

  1. Factoring
  2. Completing the square

Now the key question is that after finding these values of x what did we achieve?. And I am sure that you or your class fellow must have discussed any one of the following questions during or after a boring math lecture.

  1. What’s the use of Quadratic…



Jalal Mansoori

I am a Computer Science graduate and I find myself somewhere at the intersection of Learn, Create, and Share.